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Jill's Zine Reviews

Jills Rating System:

Nescafe................ Don't bother. Not even worth spilling your latte on.
House Blend.........Run of the mill. Slightly interesting, neither fantastic nor crappy.
Moccacinno...........Fluffy eye candy. Yummy, clever and achingly hip.
Espresso..............Beautifully put together. Sweet, to the point, not stuffed with superfluous ads and razor thin bimbos. Informative and relevant.


    Out of Britain, this slightly oversized glossy delves into the underground music scene, featuring DJ's and artists, and all manner of hip scenesters.

    Minimal ad content, which is refreshing. Tends to focus on artists not in the mainstream. Has a slim but innovative fashion spread every issue. Cutting edge without being amateurish.

Jill gives DAZED AND CONFUSED a definite Espresso.


    This one out of NYC, methinks, and has the best cover ever. Ever. Go right now to the newsstand, look in the music section, dig if you must, beg the counter monkey to scour the store room to find an issue for you, but get it. It features a ‘Chicks Making Out' spread every issue. Every damn issue. Phew.

Umm, also has articles on graffiti artists, DJ's, up and coming fashion designers, yadda yadda yadda.

Jill grants Yellow Rat Bastard a big fat Moccacinno, and a wee shot of Espresso for the best damn cover ever. EVER!