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Jill's Zine Reviews

Jills Rating System:

Nescafe................ Don't bother. Not even worth spilling your latte on.
House Blend.........Run of the mill. Slightly interesting, neither fantastic nor crappy.
Moccacinno...........Fluffy eye candy. Yummy, clever and achingly hip.
Espresso..............Beautifully put together. Sweet, to the point, not stuffed with superfluous ads and razor thin bimbos. Informative and relevant.

Mother Jones

    If you want to know what doesn't make it into the newpapers, and if you're curious about political activity that isn't reported, take a look at Mother Jones. Multiple award winner ‘Best of the Alternative Press', Mother Jones leaps in with stories that you won't read about anywhere else.

    An American publication, Mother Jones is dedicated to bringing their readers the truth, and a fresh perspective. Especially relevant in these tense times, this publication can help shed some light on an American perspective that you won't find in the mainstream media.

Jill gives Mother Jones a Espresso,and a hats off for their coverage of the terrorist attacks in the United States.