Coffee Club Remote

Coffee Second
A Day in Stratford - Part Two

    As you may recall, we had the worlds best service at our breakfast stop in Stratford, but the swill they served as coffee just didn't make the grade. By the time we hit the main stretch of town and Pajavagirl commenced her shopping, The Caffiend had begun to fade... I needed something quick and dirty. I needed a quick fix. I needed an old friend. I needed a cup of real coffee. Come to think of it, I needed a pee.

    That watery stuff from breakfast was screaming to get out. But where...? I saw the sign. It would definitely do the trick. I could empty the aging bladder and fill 'er up at the same time. Yes, Tim Horton's. Tim is apparently a hockey hero to some, but to me, he's a god in the pantheon of caffeine. We entered the airlock to the glassed in, smoke free, environment. I know what you're thinking... to some, coffee without nicotine is like rain without a thunderstorm. I used to agree, but since I snuffed out my last butt many years ago, I prefer to partake of my other vices with a more pure oxygen mix.

    I quickly located the bathroom sign, taking care not to do one of my infamous wipe outs on the freshly squeegeed floor. Pajavagirl took up the ordering duties.

    I returned to a hot cup of 18 percent cream-of-caffeine. This is the lifeblood I've been seeking to kick-start the day. I don't know what it is about this stuff. I mean, it's just donut store coffee, right? But it makes me all tingly inside and really gets me going. This is no espresso or fancy latte, but there's something to be said for a homogenous franchise that can serve up a reliable cup of joe from Abbotsford to Zealand Station.

    I drained the cup, leapt to my feet ("leapt" being a term relative to my seated position...."slowly rose to my feet" is probably more accurate, but for me, quite an active motion) and we were on our way. I was now prepared for the shopping expedition that lay ahead.

    Thanks to a hockey player that obviously knew the importance of a jolt of caffeine to give you that edge you need to win the cup.

Next: We go for a fancy dessert.